
New information: Apple vs. Samsung
Definition of "digital humanities":  is an area of scholarly activity at the intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines of the humanities . It includes the systematic use of digital resources in the humanities , as well as the reflection on their application.
The Macbook is a portable computer that has a 12-inch screen, an aluminum housing and a retro-illuminated keyboard, that is to say that in the dark the keys become bright. Macs are a series of computers manufactured by Apple that are distinguished by different characteristics: first, the operating system, then its design, that if you look at each other are different. The iMac are a series of computers manufactured by Apple. It is focused on the home environment and is characterized by integrating the computer and the screen into the same device. The iPad is a touchpad [7] developed by Apple Inc. Announced on January 27, 2010, it is positioned in a category between a "smartphone" (smartphone) and a laptop. [8] The iPad was announced and presented to the Keynote on January 27, 2010. The iPod is a digital music player with a hard drive or flash memory, created by Apple Computer that first appeared on October 23, 2001. It can play MP3, WAV, AAC / M4A, AIFF and Apple Lossl
http://v1.voyant-tools.org/ All that appears in the images are the sizes of the new iPhone X in a schematic way.
Words searched were: Phone: This word has always been used, since it was a very important invention in all that we bring of life. Computer: This word was also quite important, but not as much as the phone. Steve Jobs: This name for what he does in the "Spanish" language, was not very important in the selected years.
Some links: https://www.applesfera.com/ios/la-evolucion-de-ios-desde-sus-origenes-una-carrera-para-ser-el-mejor-sistema-operativo-movil-de-la-historia http://www.ahoranoticias.cl/noticias/tendencias/155159-los-10-avances-tecnologicos-que-dejo-steve-jobs-junto-a-apple.html